I. Duel Start Time: J.V. Boys and Girls exhibition matches are to start at 5:30 p.m.  Boys and Girls Varsity matches to follow.

II. Weight in procedure for dual matches:
    A. Weighing in for Varsity and J.V. will start at 4:30 p.m. and end at 5:00 p.m. before the scheduled match starting time of 5:30 p.m.
    B. The visiting team will be given 10 minutes to privately weigh in all of their wrestlers.  If any wrestlers are overweight, the team must make any adjustments it deems necessary at this time.  They may reconstruct the line up or insert another wrestler (J.V) into that spot.
    C. Coaches may weigh in multiple athletes at the same weight.  The choice of who will wrestle will be made at the mat side before every match as outlined in the National Rule Book
    D. Varsity, J.V. and extras will weigh in shoulder to shoulder, starting with the lightest weight.
    E. The home coach will be the official at the weigh ins. His decision is final.
    F. If the visiting coach requests, the home coach must check and verify if a wrestler is or is not on weight before the line up cards are exchanged.
    G. All coaches should have a prepared line up card to give to the opposing coach for their scorekeepers

III. To Determine the League Champion
The dual matches will count for half of the points and the TVL Tournament will count for the other half.  The first place team in the duals and TVL Tournament will receive 6 points, second 5 points, 4 points, etc.  The team with  the highest combination of points will be the TVL champion.  Ties will result in a co-championship.  Any team tying in the duals or league tournament will split the points of the two places.  Example: If tied for second place, both teams receive half of the second and third place points (5+4=9 X 1/2=4 1/2 points each).  The next team would receive the next lower points (3).

IV. Seeding Criteria for the Section Dual Meet Championship: (Boys Only. Two Teams Qualify)(All girls qualify for the Section Meet)
The seeding will be determined on the basis of team record during TVL dual play.  The team with the best dual record would be the top seed from the TVL, the next best record would be the second seed.

V. In The Event of a Two Way Tie: (Boys Only)
    A. The team that won the dual match between the two schools would become the higher seed.
    B. If those teams tied (i.e., 26-26), the team with the highest total of individual match wins (including forfeits), would be the higher seed.

VI. In The Event of a Three Way or More Tie: (Boys Only)
    A. Teams A, B, & C are tied.  The scores between the schools are A beats B 40-30. B beats C 35-32, and C Beats A 33-32.  When you total all scores A=72, B=65 and C=65.  Team A would receive the #1 seed.  B would receive the #2 seed by virtue of its 35-32 dual match win over C.  The rationale here is: once the tie is broken, you should revert back to the criteria of a two way tie.  That would be criterion #1 or winner of the head to head match.

VII. Boys and Girls Varsity League Tournament (Including J.V. Tourney with no medals) (Coaches pay for JV medals)
    A. Running of the Tourney is to be the responsibility of the hosting school.  (Organization, calling a seeding meeting of the league wrestling coaches Wednesday or Thursday prior to the meet, ordering and paying for the officials and ticket takers, providing mats, etc.) 
    B. League maximum admission prices are to be charged.
    C. Any net loss after officials and ticket takers are paid will be absorbed by the TVL.  Any net profit is to be paid to the TVL.  Host school keeps concessions.

VIII. Running the Tournament:
    A. The tournament will be run with an 8 person bracket and out brackets if needed.  Out brackets, when needed, will be placed so that the winner moves onto the bracket at the highest position (s) available (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)  The out brackets will be drawn in randomly to any position.  Advancement points will be given for out brackets.  Since the League Tournament is a qualifying tournament for the boys, all spaces in the 8 man bracket that are not filled by a league team will be forfeits and scored as such.
    B. A seeding meeting will be held Wednesday or Thursday before the day of the league meet to establish the brackets for each weight class.  Criteria for seeding will be as follows:
        1. Head to head
        2. State
        3. Sections
        4. Subs 1-6 any weight
        5. League at same weight or above, Placers 1-4
        6. League at lower weight, Placers 1-4
        7. Common opponent
        8. Agreement of coaches involved
        9. Records by percentage
        10. Coaches vote, majority rules
        11. Coin flip
C.  the TVL Tournament host school shall be responsible to maintain an accurate teams score (scored as per the National Rule Book for a tournament with the designated number of places).  The host school will publish and make printed copies of the team scores available following each round of the Tournament.  The score sheets will display the team points scored in each wieght class by each team to that point in the tournament and a grand total for each team will be provided.  The team scores will also be announced following each round.

IX. Wrestling League Meet Rotation
Modesto Christian 21-22, Ripon 22-23, Escalon 23-24, Livingston 24-25, Hughson 25-26, Hilmar 26-27

X. Awards: Refer to TVL Constitution—Financial Section-III Awards

XI. Qualification as a TVL Team: (Boys Only)
All League wrestling schools must qualify as a team on the Monday of the third week of December.  A league team is defined as any school that can fill at least 7 positions in their varsity line up.  A team roster will be presented to the AD of that school on the Monday of the third week of December.  If the team cannot produce at least 7 wrestlers, the AD must contact all other league schools to relieve them of the requirement to have a dual that season.  Any duels before this time will not count in the league standings.  The non-qualified team members will still qualify to Section Playoffs through our TVL Tournament.  If a team drops below 7  varsity wrestlers at any time during the season they are to call and notify their next opponent and the match is a forfeit.

XII. Partent and/or Senior Night:
Parents and seniors may be recognized during the pre match introductions.

XIII. League teams shall participate as per Sac Joaquin Section Bylaws:
Article 5. General Rules   504 Season of Sport
"Limited Period" dates vary from year to year.

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